Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

S05 E12: Satan hates these three simple steps…
Season 5 Episode 12: Satan hates these three simple steps… (Disclaimer: Simple ≠ Easy)
In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta discuss chapter 14 of The Sanctifier, which highlights the important role the Holy Spirit plays in bringing us to Jesus so that we may get to know him better, and so that we can become more like him.
“Devotion to the Holy Spirit is not properly understood if we do not see that it is closely related with devotion to the Father and to the Word and that by a divine logic it leads to these two devotions, and also contains them in their essential elements. […]
“The Holy Spirit, being the love of the Father and of the Son, pours into the soul he moves and into the heart he possesses a love for the Father similar to that of the Son, and a love for the Word similar to that of the Father. Even more: in the soul that possesses the Holy Spirit and is possessed by him, there is, as explained above, a limited but ineffable image of the mystery of the love of the Trinity. For the soul loves the Father as it loves the Word, and it loves the Word as it loves the Father.” The Sanctifier, Ch 14
You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:
Paperback: PaulineStore.com | Amazon
eBook: Kindle | Apple Books | Kobo
The three step program we found in this chapter:
1. Discovering the Ideal. Knowing who Jesus is and understanding that that’s the goal so that I can learn and discern the way that God wants me to reflect the Son
2. Identifying and stripping myself of everything that gets in the way of #1, with God’s help
3. Placing myself under God’s operations of grace with all of my free will and desire, accepting the movement of the Spirit
Call to action:
1. What aspect or characteristic of Jesus attracts you most? Spend some time with the Holy Spirit asking why, and what more you can learn about that aspect and about who he’s calling you to be, how he’s inviting you to imitate Jesus.
2. Talk to God about what these answers do in your heart, how they move you, and whatever else comes up during this time of prayer.
Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing | For Mobile
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The Daughters of Saint Paul