Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

S05 E11: Diving Into the Whirlpool of Love
Season 5 Episode 11: Diving Into the Whirlpool of Love
In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta discuss Chapters 12 & 13 of The Sanctifier, how we love God, how the love of God is like a whirlpool that gets deeper and more intense the more we enter into it, and some of the practical ways we can go about stepping into the experience.
You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:
Paperback: PaulineStore.com | Amazon
eBook: Kindle | Apple Books | Kobo
“Human love in all its manifestations is admirably in harmony with the love of charity. It is confident in filial love, trusting in friendship, sweet and fruitful in the love of husband and wife, disinterested and tender in the love of a mother.
Our love of God must include all these forms of human love. Every fiber of our heart must vibrate when the harmonious and full canticle of love bursts forth from it. But since God is one in essence and triune in Persons, our love for him takes on a particular aspect accordingly as it is directed to each one of the divine Persons.
Our love for the Father is tender and confident like that of children, eager to glorify him as his only- begotten Son taught us to do by word and example. Love for the Father is the intense desire to have his will fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven.
Our love for the Son, who willed to become flesh for us, is characterized by the tendency to union with him and transformation into him, by imitation of his example, participation in his life, and the sharing of his sufferings and his cross. The Eucharist, mystery of love, of sorrow, and of union, reveals the characteristics of this love.
Love for the Holy Spirit also has its special character, which we should study in order completely to understand devotion to him. We have explained how the Holy Spirit loves us, how he moves us like a divine breath that draws us to the bosom of God, like a sacred fire that transforms us into fire, like a divine artist who forms Jesus in us.”
– Archbishop Luis Martinez, The Sanctifier Chapter 12.
Other references:
· Video about the Shema prayer
Deus Caritas Est by Pope Benedict XVI Vatican Website | On PaulineStore
Spe Salvi by Pope Benedict XVI Vatican Website | On PaulineStore
Call to action:
1. Take some time in prayer to look at your own life and identify somewhere you would not expect God to show up. Where would his presence seem weird? Then consciously make an effort to invite the Lord into that space. If it seems it would help, find some physical way to remind yourself that you’re working on offering that thing or space to God.
2. Consider listening (or re-listening) to Season 4, Episode 1 “The Experience of God’s Love,” and pray a bit about how you would answer the question “How do I know it’s God’s voice I’m hearing?”
Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing | For Mobile
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The Daughters of Saint Paul