The Crude Truth

The Crude Truth

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 90 Laura Vela, HSE & Business Development

July 12, 2024

Particularly focusing on the stark differences observed between regulations in the United States and those in other parts of the world. One speaker passionately defended American standards, highlighting their stringent nature and the substantial investments required to uphold them. This viewpoint underscored a prevailing sentiment of frustration over international misconceptions that often lump American practices into a broader, less stringent category.

Moreover, the discussion revealed a shared ambition to elevate global safety standards to match those set in the United States. This aspiration was seen as not only a matter of regulatory alignment but also as a pathway to enhancing operational efficiency and sustainability across international borders. The participants acknowledged the challenges posed by varying regulatory landscapes but expressed optimism that concerted efforts could lead to a more unified global approach, ultimately benefiting the entire industry.

The conversation also touched upon the broader implications of working in high-risk industries like oil and gas, noting how experience in these sectors equips professionals with invaluable skills and perspectives. Both speakers emphasized the transferability of knowledge gained in oil and gas to other fields, highlighting its role in fostering adaptability and problem-solving abilities. This reflection underscored a deep-seated belief in the industry's transformative potential and its capacity to influence best practices beyond its immediate operational scope.

Highlights of the Podcast

05:09 - Share personal motivation for pursuing safety expertise.

07:00 - Discuss Laura's journey and experience in safety management.

09:08 - Talks about industrial hygiene and training experiences.

11:13 - Asks Laura about seminar and training engagements. 

14:24 - Explains role at Bacardi and their safety commitments.

17:16 - Safety standards in the oil and gas industry compared to global standards.

18:17 - Mentions operating at stringent levels in Europe, particularly in nuclear operations.

18:53 - Quotes Spider-Man's "With great power comes great responsibility" about nuclear safety.

19:18 - Talks about the broad perspective gained from working in oil and gas and other industries.

22:26 - Congratulates Laura on achieving over 1 million man-hours without a recordable incident.

22:55 - Laura on her current book, sports team, favorite restaurant, music/shows, and hobbies.

24:39 - Laura for her insights and expertise on safety in the oil and gas industry.
