The Crude Truth

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 59 Blair Pifer Ambassador of Christ
THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 59 Blair Pifer Ambassador of Christ
We have a homeless problem in America and that's THE CRUDE TRUTH! On this episode we visit with Blair Pifer an ambassador for Christ who is helping the less fortunate on a local, national, and Global level. Sit back and enjoy as Blair shares her journey and how it has taken her under the bridges of Dallas/Fort Worth, to the jungles of South America and Africa. We all need to know God now more than ever!
Highlights of the Podcast:
03:56 - The homeless community here in Fort Worth
05:45 - God's glory and God's light in that place
07:49 - All taking steps to help these individuals
11:07 - The supermarket sweep
14:14 - Transition from oil and gas to electric vehicles
16:26 - The children lose their parents to the the North war at northern Uganda
18:25 - China and India are fighting
19:18 - The glory of the Lord
20:05 - The children are not going to school
21:21 - The crude truths about what's going on on the streets here in America and across the world
23:01 - Donate to Africa
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