The Create & Thrive Podcast

The Create & Thrive Podcast

Reels Ideas for Makers (without having to show your face) + The Reels Challenge!

November 15, 2023
✨ Get 30 Reel Ideas for Makers! FREE Download.


Makers – do you struggle to come up with ideas for Instagram Reels?

Reels are one of the best ways to grow and get seen on Instagram, but it can be exhausting to come up with new ideas for Reels.

This week I’m going to share 7 ideas specifically for handmade business owners – all of which you can use without showing your face if you don’t want to be on camera!

If you want more ideas, grab the FREE download – 30 Reel Ideas for Makers – right here.

Also! If you want help to kick-start (or re-start) your marketing with Reels, don’t miss the Reels Challenge inside the Thriver Circle – starts November 20th!

The Challenge is a fun way to learn about and practice making Instagram Reels alongside other handmade business owners.

Find out more here. 

You can listen to the podcast below, or on your fave podcast app – or you can watch it on YouTube!

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Each donation helps cover the cost of hosting, show-note writing, research, interviewing, recording, editing, etc. etc.

In short – it helps to cover the time and financial costs of putting together a free weekly show to help you grow your handmade business.

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