The Conservative Horn

The Conservative Horn

TCH S2 E8 Illegal Immigration

March 23, 2022

Illegal Immigration undocumented progressive voters: Progressive ruling class policies and/or non-policies have caused the recent massive surge in U.S illegal border crossings. Progressives have obstructed and reversed every remedy to resolve the border crisis because changing our demographics is fundamental to their Marxist takeover of our country. Currently Biden, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and the progressive NGOs are illegally executing the “New Way Forward Act”. It’s a radical immigration bill that they couldn’t pass through congress but plan on forcing it through the Build Back Better reconciliation bill with 50 senate votes. This bill will permanently legalize Biden’s open border chaos that we are presently experiencing and allow people who have committed serious felonies in other countries to legally move to the U.S. It legally holds taxpayers liable to pay the expenses of transporting previously deported criminals and their families back to the United States. This bill makes it nearly impossible for federal immigration officials to detain immigrants no matter how potentially dangerous they are.

According to House committee testimony, the UN, big tech, Soros, NGOs, and the Biden administration are treasonously executing the New Way Forward Act, aiding and abetting the invasion of illegal immigrants. They are facilitating this invasion even though these illegals are callously killing thousands of Americans by carrying deadly drugs into the U.S. to repay the cartels for their passage. They’re using social media platforms to provide illegal invaders with maps to the U.S, advice on how to avoid or place themselves in the custody of the Border Patrol, and thwart U.S. laws. They are using U.S. taxpayer money to send lawyers, psychologists, and money south of the border to recruit, aid, and encourage people to cross into the U.S. illegally. They are training invaders on how to deceptively circumvent U.S. law, to fabricate stories that will enable them to claim “credible fear” once they’ve entered the United States illegally. Then, after the illegals cross our borders and claim asylum, Uncle Joe uses U.S. taxpayer money to fly their families in from their respective country of origin while they wait to have their cases adjudicated.

To change demographics in favor of his political party’s persuasion. Biden clandestinely flies these illegal families into conservative neighborhoods in the middle of the night, overburdening their schools, hospitals, and financial resources. To provide further incentive, Biden also reversed Trump’s executive order that prevented illegals from residing in the U.S if they are a financial burden, so Biden can now offer them taxpayer funded healthcare, welfare, and housing. According to the WSJ, Biden now plans to give every illegal alien who was detained and separated from their family while illegally breaking into our country $450K-$1M in reparations. This is treason. The President swore to defend our borders and uphold the constitution by enforcing the laws that the people created through Congress. Instead, he’s become a despot, unconstitutionally creating his own laws which benefit himself and his party. (See DP, Ch. Open Borders, p.48) Illegal Immigration undocumented voters