The Conservative Horn

TCH S2 E7 The Green New Deal
progressive climate change hypocrisy.: In his State of the Union address, Biden again accidentally told the truth, saying that the U.S. accounts for 15% of global carbon admissions while the rest of the world accounts for 85%, and even if we did everything perfect it wouldn’t matter. Ron Kessler, a former Washington Post correspondent, claims COVID lockdowns demonstrate climate change is a farce. During the 16-month lockdown, according to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA,) carbon admissions didn’t decrease; they increased slightly. Idle airplanes, boarded businesses, and quiet highways had no effect on the climate. These stories, of course, were buried in the back pages of the WAPO and the New York Times. (See DP, Ch. Climate Change, p.57)
In a Washington Examiner interview, Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, made an unexpected disclosure: “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all…Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” A few years ago, the Russians hacked the University of East Anglia’s email and found that European and American universities were falsifying climate change data to frighten people. Their emails revealed that they kept the climate change charade going so that they could continue their flow of grant money. Michael Mann, the individual behind the infamous climate hockey stick data, was a central figure in the East Anglia email scandal. John Kerry cited drought as the cause of the Syrian war and refugee flight, until it was discovered precipitation in that region had increased. Progressives are using this same bogus argument to justify the flight of Central Americans to the U.S. It’s that “end justifying the means” thing again. John Kerry’s Climate Czar title provides cover for his and Biden’s financial interest in China.
According to the EIA’s website, CO2 emissions generated from electricity in the U.S. in 2015 decreased to their lowest levels since 1993 thanks to our technological advances in fossil fuels. However, recent studies argue whether CO2 even traps greenhouse gases that supposedly cause warming. Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics, claims the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has grossly miscalculated human-added CO2. His new calculations show human CO2 does not cause climate change. In fact, his new evidence shows no amount of reduction of CO2 emissions will have any measurable effect on climate change. Nature controls the level of atmospheric CO2. Additionally, ice core data from Greenland reveals 8,000 years of zero correlation between CO2 and temperature: CO2 does not drive temperatures. This new information makes fraudulent all claims, laws, actions, and treaties that seek to reduce CO2 emissions. This could be the reason the fearmongers are shifting their focus from CO2 to methane as the new climate hobgoblin, like when they went from climate cooling to climate warming to climate change. progressive climate change hypocrisy.