The Conservative Horn

TCH S2 E5 The Pro Act Unions
Progressive Pro-Act forced unionization: To bolster their one-party rule prospects, the progressive pigs are sneaking the PRO Act (the Protecting the Right to Organize Act) in the Build Back Better reconciliation bill to make unionizing easier and to eliminate right to work states. Union thugs are the life blood of the progressive party providing them with money, organization, voting blocs, worker armies, poll watchers, muscle, protesters, etc. A provision in the PRO Act includes AB5, which would force private contractors, like Uber and truck drivers, to unionize. It also gives the IRS the authority to determine who is a private contractor and who is an employee. The PRO Act was passed in the House without debate by voice vote and is now pending in the Senate. To bolster union control of his state, Governor Newsom passed AB5, which resulted in independent truckers fleeing the state, drastically reducing the number of truckers and contributing to our supply chain issues. Newsom laws like AB5 are forcing all businesses to flee his state. The Hoover Institute found that California business are leaving the state at twice last year’s (2020) rate. From 2009 to 2019, some 18,000 businesses left CA. Eight out of ten Americans oppose compulsory unions, but what does that matter. Party over country, comrade.
Of the 154 million people working today, only 7% in the private sector are unionized compared to 36% of those working in government, which gives unions about 9% of the work force. Government union workers account for about one third of all U.S. union workers. Bureaucrats in government unions are typically anti Trump, lean far left, and cheer big government, big government spending, and high taxes because they feed at the big government trough. This might be why Biden recently announced his plans to dramatically increase the pay and benefits of union bureaucrats, even though their salary and benefits are already way above the average private sector compensation, and they can’t be fired.
According to the Bureau of Economic Statistics, between 2001 and 2016, economic growth in non-right to work states was 15% compared to 28% in right to work states. Recognizing the advantages of capital and labor partnerships, over half of the states have now become right to work states. The reconciliation bill eliminates right to work states and restarts unions by forcing right to work states to pay union dues that find their way into the Progressive Marxist party’s pockets and keeps them in power. Unions, like the teachers’ unions, are political vehicles for the Progressive Marxist Party. They no longer believe in teaching or in labor forces; they believe in universal income and government welfare, and teach the principles of Marx, Mao, and Che. Proven labor satisfaction and success under right to work doesn’t matter; party over country, comrade, is the only thing that matters. Progressive Pro-Act forced unionization.