The Conservative Horn

The Conservative Horn

TCH S2 E3 Home Act Joe Lied Suburbs Died

February 14, 2022

Surprise! Biden lied during the campaign when Trump exposed Biden’s plan to change zoning laws to build projects in the suburbs. Immediately following the election, Biden authorized the “Home Act” which federalized suburban zoning laws, eliminating restrictions on apartment buildings and lot sizes, and redrawing roads and highways that Progressives deemed racist. Biden’s equity “Home Act” withholds state, suburban and transportation money, your tax money that you sent to Washington, if you refuse to comply with the law. Eliminating the exclusionary zoning law barriers expedites affordable, multi-family, Section 8, low-income housing in suburban areas. It also places inner-city politicians on suburban councils which allows them to authorize and collect a portion of suburban taxes and control suburban planning projects.

In the name of equity, Biden has allocated $213B in the reconciliation infrastructure bill that allows inner-city progressive politicians to put low-income housing projects into your nice suburban neighborhood. Inner-city progressive politicians will now be financially and legally equipped to dump their ghetto problems, which they created, into your suburbs. Now your children, or as Biden refers to them, ‘your little white supremacists’, can experience the equity of a progressively run, inner-city ghetto with substandard violent schools, drive by shootings, riots, and looting. All you woke suburban moms and grandparents who were brainwashed by the global elite ruling class corporate media into believing that Trump was your enemy will soon realize who you voted for, who’s your real enemy, and the evil Biden truly represents.

Every now and then, during a rare interview, Biden, without detail, will make a quick quip about his plan to ‘fix’ another one of their manufactured crises, like ‘the housing crisis.’ Their plan is to take over your property in the name of equity and turn it over to the global corporate elite progressive ruling class pigs (GCEPRCP Inc.) Problem solved! Even though 30% of the suburban population is now inhabited by minorities, the global corporate ruling class elite can now profit by fulfilling their latest money-making brainstorm and force you to eat their progressive dog shit under the guise of ‘equity’ and ‘racism’

Using the Build Back Better bill, they can now flood your hard-earned neighborhoods, streets, schools, and hospitals with criminals, gangs, prisoners, refugees, terrorists, third world illegal indigents, welfare recipients, and ghetto projects. Then, after they surround you with their misfits, they’ll strip you of your guns, leave you defenseless, and help the scumbags they created devour you. Their redistribution will, of course, destroy your neighborhood, the middle-class, middle-class lifestyle, and free market, and turn your life to shit while enriching their corporate masters and strengthening the progressive one-party rule.