The Conservative Horn

The disastrous return of progressivism: Judicial Watch recently uncovered documents confirming that the progressive corporate media pressured the Capitol Police not to reveal that an aneurism was the real cause of Brian Sicknick’s death. They feared disclosing this information would constrain their ability to inflame public opinion and decrease Trump’s impeachment chances. The FBI also reported that there was no evidence of a planned insurrection or the presence of any weapons. Undaunted by facts, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, and the Progressives continue to politicize and investigate Jan 6th in perpetuity for political gain.
Desperate to portray Trump supporters as domestic terrorists, the king, queen and their senile court jester, Biden, hypocritically smirk while calling them thugs, white supremacists, murderers, and insurrectionists. They demand that their political opponents be put on a terrorist watch list, made enemies of the state, stripped of their rights, and shown no mercy. Like a third world country, their counterparts at the DOJ and intelligence agencies have obliged by jailing and bankrupting MAGA supporters without trial. Conversely, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, and the Progressives have defended their communist BLM and Antifa thugs for years while, according to Project 21, they violently attacked and injured people over 574 times, injured over 2K police, burned, and looted business, and destroyed over $6B in private and public property over a 24-month period.
Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, and the Progressives have advocated for Marxist BLM paintings on our public buildings and roads. They provided their thugs with Freedom Fund bail money, enabling them to remain on our streets looting, destroying, and assaulting Americans. They called the National Guard, who are defending us against armies of progressive thugs, Hitler’s Storm Troopers. They threaten to destroy our constitution and centralize power by releasing the progressive whirlwind on SCOTUS, packing the Supreme Court, and eliminating the Electoral College and Senate filibuster. While claiming to be defenders of our democracy, they mimic totalitarian communist countries by putting on show trials to persecute their political opponents, instill fear, and oppress freedom and liberty, e.g., January 6th protesters, school board meetings, Roger Stone, Manafort, Flynn, Trump, and the IRS. Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are the real thugs, the head swamp stench of the Progressive Party’s corrupt government. They are shills for the global corporate elite ruling class progressive pig’s (GCERCPP Inc.). They are using voter fraud, citizen extortion, and Soros’s BLM and Antifa thugs to steal our country for financial, personal, and political gain. They need to be imprisoned and shown no mercy.
They emulate Mitt Romney’s 1980s corporate raiders; except this time, they plan to raid and gut the entire country. Instead of first purchasing then gutting our infrastructure, the global pigs are stealing our county outright. They propagandized their Marxist ideologies using their corporate owned media, financed and manipulated our election laws to take control of our government, and now are exploiting Senate reconciliation rules to pass bills that will solidify their legal hold on our country. Replicating the corporate raiders’ playbook, they 1) gained control, 2) shut down most of the country and laid off workers, 3) restarted the exportation of our businesses and jobs, 4) commenced stripping our country of its assets e.g., treasury, pensions, Social Security, Medicare, intellectual property, and 5) facilitated selling off our country’s real estate to global conglomerates including public lands, individual personal property, public and private buildings, commodities, minerals, etc. The disastrous return of progressivism