The Conservative Horn

TCH S1 E7 Big Government vs Little Government
Ocasio-Cortez isn’t alone in progressive totalitarianism: Sen. Warren wants to roll back tax cuts and impose a wealth tax similar to King George III’s 1776 Stamp Act that helped trigger our Revolutionary War; Mayor De Blasio wants to confiscate Americans’ money claiming it’s in the hands of the wrong people; Obama says it’s “everybody’s money not yours…you didn’t earn that.” George Bernard Shaw said: “Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.” Tomas Jefferson said: “When the government fears the people you have liberty; when the people fear the government, you have tyranny.”
Faced with the overwhelming success of the Trump economy the progressives try to tout Obama’s economy. However, the Federal Reserve reported that mathematically the Obama/Biden administration had the worst recovery after a recession ever recorded. Progressives are terrified that people will find out their policies do not work, but that Trump’s policies do, so they will go to any length to stop them, let alone give them a chance to succeed. In fact, Trump’s conservative policies are again proving that progressive ideologies are not only wrong but harmful to open and free societies. Progressives can’t let you know that free markets and tax cuts increase individual liberty, wealth, government revenue and innovation that benefit everyone; that universal healthcare is unsustainable, creates cost inefficiencies, skyrocketing prices, huge deductibles, rationing, waiting lines, age discrimination and a two-tier rich vs. poor health system. Again, Medicare for all will devastate the elderly’s healthcare.
Progressives have no rational arguments, so they expound moral imperatives. For example, we are told if we do not adhere to their Marxist, climate, healthcare, open border policies, we are all racist and going to die. Therefore, progressives and their “controlled societies” are good and you must obey. Conservatives and their “open free societies” are bad, icky and evil and must be destroyed. That is their case, what they call science, and everyone else is a flat-earther.
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO,) Trump’s tax cuts have increased the revenue in 41 states by an average of 13%, effectively offsetting the cost of the tax cuts. Record increases of revenue are also occurring at the federal level. Trump has made America the world’s number one oil producer, decreasing our energy dependence on hostile nations. He has increased our average GDP from Obama’s 1.5% to over 2.5%, saved American’s billions by cutting regulations, and created over 7MM jobs, all in less than three years. It took Obama 8 years to supposedly “create or save” 8MM jobs. According to U.S. Labor statistics, from 2009-2016 Obama lost 250K manufacturing jobs whereas from 2017-2018 Trump created 600K, the highest increase since 1997. When questioned how Trump was going to bring back manufacturing jobs, Obama remarked: “What’s he going to do? Wave a magic wand?” Evidently Trump found the wand.
Trump reduced unemployment to 3.5%, lowered Black and Hispanic unemployment to the lowest levels on record and increased salaries by 16%, the first working class salary increase in over a decade. Unemployment has been below 4% for (21) consecutive months, the longest streak in 50 years, with (106) months of job growth. He decreased food stamp dependency by over 5 million while creating a labor force participation rate of 65.5%, the highest since 1969. The IRS reported that over 90% of Americans have benefited from the Trump tax cuts. Tax cuts alone increased the average American’s annual income by $1,400 and raised the annual income of a family of four by an average of $2,900. Trump increased the average child family tax credit by over $2K, increased median household income from Obamas $62,037 to Trump’s $65,666 and increased total average annual family income by more than $7,000. Banks are loaning again and, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty rate is now at 12.3%, the lowest in over a century. This was all accomplished without bailouts, the Federal Reserve printing money or 0% interest rates. When Trump unleashed the free market system, it fueled our economic engine, grew business, made labor more competitive and businesses voluntarily increased wages. Contrarily, Progressive ideologies damage economies by growing government, taking money out of our economy, redistributing money, overregulating then forcing businesses that they crippled to involuntarily increase wages until they must close their doors.