The Consciousness Podcast

The Consciousness Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 22: Consciousness and the Split Brain with Dr. Elizabeth Schechter
January 26, 2019

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Elizabeth Schechter, who is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology in the Department of Philosophy and in the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program at th...

Episode 21: Consciousness, Spirituality and Interconnectedness with Dr. Cassandra Vieten
December 27, 2018

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Cassandra Vieten, who is the President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and a scientist at the Mind-Body Medicine Research Group at California Pacific...

Episode 20: Cennectome Harmonics, LSD and Consciousness with Dr. Selen Atasoy
November 23, 2018

In this episode, I discussed Connectome Harmonics and neural correlates of consciousness, specifically under the influence of LSD, mindfulness meditation and dream sleep with Dr. Selen Atasoy. Dr. Atasoy’s research explores brain dynamics in different...

Episode 19: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Attention Schema Theory with Dr. Michael Graziano
September 29, 2018

My guest this episode is Dr. Michael Graziano, Professor of Psychology at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute where he runs a lab and studies the brain basis of consciousness. He earned his PhD at PRINCETON UNIVERSITY...

Episode 18: Neuroscience and Consciousness in Animals with Dr. Scott Husband
August 25, 2018

My guest is Dr. Scott Husband of The University of Tampa. Dr. Husband’s primary field of study is behavioral neuroscience with an emphasis on comparative neuroanatomy and cognition. He has studied higher-level visual processing, the...

Episode 17: Neuroscience, Meditation and Consciousness with Dr. Marjorie Woollacott
July 28, 2018

In this edition, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Marjorie Woollacott, author of the book, Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind, which she describes as both a scientist’s memoir and a...

Episode 16: Consciousness, Idealism and Baloney with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup
June 09, 2018

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup. Bernardo has a Ph.D. in computer engineering with specializations in artificial intelligence and reconfigurable computing. He has worked as a scientist in...

Episode 15: Illusionism: a Theory of Consciousness with Dr. Keith Frankish
May 05, 2018

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Keith Frankish, a European philosopher and writer. I was first introduced to Dr. Frankish’s theory by David Chalmers’ keynote speech at The Science of Consciousness....

Episode 14: Terminal Lucidity and Consciousness with Dr. Michael Nahm
May 05, 2018

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Michael Nahm, and the topic was Terminal Lucidity, a term he coined. Terminal Lucidity has implications in end-of-life experience, Near Death Experience, and provides insight...

Episode 13: The Scientific Study of the Foundation of Psi Phenomena and Consciousness with Dr. Dean Radin
April 10, 2018

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and our conversation, I’d say, surrounded the topic of scientific study of the foundation...