The Confidence Chronicles

The Confidence Chronicles

Latest Episodes

⚠️ It's NOT too late. This is how you LEVEL up Your Life
October 23, 2023

It's NOT too late.The year is NOT over (yet).You CAN become who you want to become. You CAN achieve the things you want to achieve. You CAN step into the next level version of yourself my darling.YOU JUST NEED TO CHOOSE IT.You gotta make a decision. Like

3️⃣ Ways You May Be Sabotaging Yourself
October 16, 2023

Are you Sabotaging yourself?Welcome to the 3rd instalment of our Life Audit Series!Each week this month on the podcast we've been digging into the importance of checking in and auditing your life. Are you on track, are you lost? Do you feel like you need

October 09, 2023

Are you REALLY changing tho?...Maybe you're listening to podcast, watching the YouTubes, reading the books...but how do you know if it's actually creating a tangible change in your life?Well sis, in this powerhouse episode, we're getting REAL about the

October 02, 2023

Are you feeling LOST right now?Unclear where you're headed? Feeling unsure about the future or confused about where you want to go?...This episode is for you sis.Literally every women who has signed up to work with me has repeated this sentence at least o

Is it Time to RE-INVENT Yourself?
September 25, 2023

CHANGE IS COMING!I can already hear you sister, desiring something new, wanting something fresh, maybe you're currently moving through a transition....Listen! I get that change can feel scary, but so isn't staying the same! If you have been feeling lost,

Are You on Purpose or on AutoPilot?
August 07, 2023

Do you feel like you are on autopilot at times? Wondering if you are living your life on purpose? How can you create a sense of fulfilment and happiness in your life, particularly if you feel stuck in a place that doesn't align with your desires? How c

Amy Porterfield: The Courage to Quit Your 9-5 and Embrace a Life of Freedom and Confidence
July 31, 2023

Amy Porterfield is in the house! I am so excited for you to tune into this episode Queen!If you havent heard of Amy Porterfield, she is an ex-corporate girl turned online marketing expert, author of the New York Times bestselling book Two Weeks N

July 24, 2023

Do you allow your Fear to paralyse you? Does fear of change keep you in the same place? Do you find yourself avoiding things and feeling stagnant it your life?Ever find yourself wondering over the "what ifs" and the "could have beens"I've been there. Wa

This is why change DOESN'T happen...
July 17, 2023

Have you ever wondered why those big changes you desire seem don't seem to happen? That no matter how much you try, you can't get your changes to stick?I mean true, long lasting change. Just think about the things that you really want to shift or ch

Doing Divorce Differently with Danni Zetzer
July 10, 2023

Research says people stay in unhappy marriages for TWELVE YEARS, and the average age for people to get divorced 40 or 45. That is a LONG time to be unhappy. But how do you know if divorce is the next step or if youre not in that space how can wor