The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Episode XIII – MGS V First Impressions

September 18, 2015

In this episode of the Codec Call, Andy and Matt:

* Discuss a disk drive orchestra, the perils of Windows 10 and My Roommate Sonic...
* Announce the winner of our Metal Gear Solid shot glasses competition
* Provide the final update for August's #CodecMomentum
* and talk about their first impressions of MGS V.



If you've got any comments about the show then let us know below or through the usual channels (Facebook, Twitter, semaphore).

Got a game you know you should have finished and need some oomph to get your motivation back?  Join in our Codec Momentum for September and let us know what you're going to remove from that back catalogue building on your shelf.  Feeling extra cocky... why not make a #PlatinumPledge?  Successfully attain all trophies/achievements in a game and not only to you make it on to the Codec Moments wall of fame, we'll even send you one of these exclusive, limited badges!