The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Episode X – MGS V gameplay and competition

August 04, 2015


It's August.  The sun's out (mostly).  Games are thin on the ground.  Not much to talk about then?  We can still find something!  In this edition of The Codec Call, Andy and Matt discuss the what they've been playing; take a look at some bizarre news stories; have a quiz; set a challenge to all the listeners; and talk lots of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

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If you want to win the shot glasses mentioned in the podcast (and pictured below), then let us know what you think the platinum trophy for MGS V should be called via Twitter (, Facebook (, email (, or sky-writing.  We'll pick the best suggestion and name the winner here and on social media.  Our usual terms and conditions ( apply, and the closing date is 31st August 2015.


What about joining us in finishing those games in our piles of shame?  Let us know your choice on Twitter using #CodecMomentum, or push the boat out and really impress us with #PlatinumPledge.  We're sure we can find something to send your way if you live up to your promises...

If you've any comments about this month's Codec Call, interesting questions, strange news stories, or even just want a shout out, get in touch via the comments or the usual channels.  We can't wait to hear from you!