The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Episode VI – Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Thought Shower

July 06, 2014



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In this edition of The Codec Call Andy, Matt and Cev get together to discuss their thoughts about what will happen in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain based on the 2013 Red Band and 2014 E3 trailers.  The suggestion came from @BrandonKirzeder, so you know who to thank for the idea of making these crazy theories public...


WARNING:  May contain mild traces of spoil for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes ( and references to N-Sync.


We cover:

* What do we know about Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain?
* What can we glean/wildly speculate about, based on the trailers?
* Will the game be released on 8th June?
* Is Quiet the sniper, really Chico with a sex change?
* Who is Ishmael?
* Will Solidus feature?
* Will the protagonist be a 4 year old Raiden (probably not, right?!)?
* Should we travel back in time and stop N-Sync?


If you want to cross-reference our ramblings, here are the two trailers we're talking about:


To join in with our wild speculation about Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, or if you think we've missed something particularly important to you (like the mark, by a country mile), then please contact us on Twitter ( (@CodecMoments, @ClinicalAndy, @CevynScott and @SyphiloidMonkey), Facebook ( and Google+ (, or post a comment below!