The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Episode V – WATCH_DOGS

June 10, 2014


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Half the Codec Moments team get together to discuss their initial thoughts on the open-world, hack and crash game from Ubisoft, WATCH_DOGS.  In the podcast we discuss:

* Aiden Pearce
* Gameplay styles
* Hacking
* Driving (or plowing through pedestrians screaming "I'm so sorry, it can't be avoided!")
* Side quests
* Water cooler moments

If you want to wade in on our WATCH_DOGS discussion, if we missed something you think is particularly cool, or got a few things wrong in our excitement, then you can hit us up on Twitter ( (@ClinicalAndy, @CevynScott and @SyphiloidMonkey), Facebook ( and Google+ (, or rant at us in the comments below!