The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

It’s Surprises and Disappointments Time!

February 09, 2017

It’s been 3 months since we last put out a podcast, mainly due to insane amounts of work, then lack of work, and then technically not having anywhere to live… but we’re back!  It’s now the traditional time for the Codec Moments team to wax lyrical about the games that surprised and disappointed them over the previous year, and we try so hard not to talk about No Man’s Sky.  That’s not all either.  Hit up the link to your favourite podcast provider or just go old skool and download it from here to find out what else we’re covering this time.
Listen to this episode of the Codec Call to hear:

* What we’ve been playing with – yay for tech based Xmas presents!
* Our biggest surprises and disappointments from 2016.
* How we recorded a podcast in December and haven’t used any of the audio!
* Special guest Stuart Cullen managing to tell us about his Scottish Sun column without saying Halo 1,000 times (check out our Christie Doran interview also mentioned during the segment).
* Listener questions – they’re back!
* Some info on Virtuos Games opening up a Paris studio.
* And of course, our #CodecMomentum winners from the last few months.

If you want to listen the HITMAN podcast we did with the Lapsed Gamer Radio team you can find it here, and Stuart’s games of the year (also from Lapsed Gamer Radio) part one can be found here and part 2 here.
As usual, you can reach us on Twitter or Facebook or via, we love to hear your views and questions.  We’d also be especially happy if you could leave us a review on iTunes, pretty please!