The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Sorted for E3’s and Wizz

June 30, 2016

We’re not sad about E3 2016 ending, but a few weeks ago we made some predictions about E3 and what would be revealed and talked about – it’s now time for us to see if we managed to get anything right.  Were our wild speculations about Kojima, Star Wars and Sam Fisher correct?  Did we predict the reveal of Skyrim being remastered?  Did no one guess the bat-sh!t crazy intro to the Ubisoft conference.  Listen in to find out.  Oh, we talk about what games we’ve been playing too… and this isn’t a short Codec Call either, so make sure you’re comfortable and have plenty of refreshments.
Did you send us a Morse Code message?  We’ve had two since the last podcast!  First up, @MikeTackFilms:
Hi guys, I think PS4 Neo is for future VR games.  Will I buy one?  Depends on price as I do not care about 4K, Am more interested in PS VR No Man’s Sky and Nintendo NX.   Great show, enjoy Hannah Montanna!

And just when we thought that would be it, @Solm67 sent us one too:
When is Prof and Brian going to have their own show back again?

If you agree with anything we talk about on this Codec Call, or absolutely think we’ve got it wrong, hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.  If you want to get really ranty about our inaccuracies, then you can reach us at, or send us some Morse Code or a lovely picture of a dinosaur.  We’d appreciate either.