The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Episode XX – The Podcast That Time Forgot

April 26, 2016

Some of you thought this day wouldn’t come, and quite frankly, neither did we at times – but here it is, the much delayed Codec Call Episode XX.  Because of the very slow nature of this podcast arriving, it’s a bumper episode recorded and edited over several weeks, with most of the discussion out of date and totally irrelevant now… don’t let that stop you from listening though, there’s tonnes to get mildly entertained by.
We talk at length in episode XX about:

* An awesome Rocket League dev interview between Stuart Cullen (The Scottish Sun) and Jeremy Dunham (VP Marketing and Communications at Psyonix)
* Microsoft’s UWP
* The Division
* #Finishergate
* #CodecMomentum’s March winner and a big shoutout to all participants
* Hitman – do we like the new game now it’s finally here?
* VR price announcements and release info
* #RouteMaster
* The Codec Moments quiz (by Matt this month)
* A competition to win a Metal Gear Rising T-Shirt and Andy’s copy of Killzone Shadow Fall (‘cos he’s never going to finish it)
* All the usual games conversation that we’re using to fill 2 hours (yes, it’s really that long, get yourself a cuppa and comfy chair before starting)

If you want to enter our giveaway for the below prizes, keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook where we’ll post details (@CodecMoments and, and please leave us a comment below, review on iTunes or podcasting platform of your choice, or holla us on those darn social media spaces – we promise we’ll try to respond faster than the time it took to get this podcast out.

Standard Codec Moments competition terms and conditions apply.