The Chinese Language Division Podcast

Episode 11 - Ka-Ching! Money Money Money!
If you are a freelance interpreter or translator, chances are that you have been stuck at this question of how to quote a potential client for your service, especially if you are new to the field. People aren’t comfortable talking about their rates for various reasons but that may not be the healthiest thing to do individually or collectively as a profession. We should have open and transparent dialogue about how much we charge so not only we are happier, in the long run it also helps shape the public’s perception of the high value of our profession. But how do we have those conversations? Isn’t that price fixing which is illegal? Tune in to this 20-min chat between Judy and Jessie to find out the whys and the hows.
口笔译行业定价自由,完全由译者和客户双方协定,不存在最高价或最低价,新入行的同事往往一头雾水不知报价从何入手,即便想请教业内前辈但介于种种原因难以启齿,在北美地区,大家对薪资这一问题基本闭口不谈,即便被问到,也是处于礼貌粗略回应一下,仅此而已。这期播客中我们请来了资深口笔译同事Judy Jenner跟大家聊聊钱,详细了解目前这种现象的来龙去脉,以及公开谈钱对个人和整个行业的利与弊!本期节目有个巨大彩蛋:前美国翻译协会会长Corinne McKay在网上发表博客,回顾个人2022年从事自由口笔译工作的收入,内容详细具体,建议刚入行的新同事拜读,一定受益匪浅。中国的同事们也可借此文章了解美国地区自由口笔译的市场潜力