The Chinese Language Division Podcast

Episode 18 - Special Conference Series - A chat with Aaron Hebenstreit
Long-time CLD member and ATA certification exam grader Aaron Hebenstreit joins Rony Gao in discussing his career journey and the challenges and advantages of being a non-native Chinese speaker working as a Chinese-English translator and interpreter. He shares memorable projects such as translating UN documents and emceeing bilingual events in the local Chinese community. Aaron emphasizes the value of ATA certification, advising potential candidates to familiarize themselves with grading standards and take practice tests. Aaron and Rony also highlight the practical nature of the ATA annual conference and encourage fellow CLD members to submit proposals to present at future ATA conferences.
本集CLD播客邀请到了CLD的老朋友、ATA认证考试阅卷官Aaron Hebenstreit(何安仁)畅谈职业生涯和过去8年里的ATA年会见闻。学工科出身的他如何走上翻译的职业生涯?为联合国担任笔译是怎样一种体验?作为非华裔背景的美国人从事中文翻译有哪些苦乐酸甜和意外收获?最后,Aaron和主持人Rony一同呼吁各位同行踊跃提交演讲提纲,争取在未来的ATA年会上分享第一手的从业心得。