The Cinema Guys

The Cinema Guys

Operation Switcheroo | And the Meaning of Life is…with PopaHALLics

April 01, 2021

It’s April 1st that means another Operation Switcheroo! This year we are switching with PopaHALLics Podcast. Hope you enjoy this episode from them. Thanks to Moxie for Your Brain on Facts for setting up Operation Switcheroo.

Dad and daughter dish on pop culture over a drink. Steve and Kate reveal the meaning of life … or at least several pop offerings that wrestle with that big question, each in its own way: Lily Brooks-Dalton’s end(s)-of-the-Earth novel “Good Morning, Midnight,” the racy British sitcom “Catastrophe” on Amazon Prime, and the acclaimed film starring Frances McDormand, “Nomadland.” We also say: Shame on you, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, for giving Golden Globe nominations in exchange for expensive freebies!

Other Books:

“Piranesi,” Susanna Clarke

“10,000 Doors of January,” Alix N. Harrow

“Ararat,” Christopher Golden

Other Movies and TV:

“Midnight Sky” (“Good Morning Midnight” movie starring George Clooney), Netflix

Our beers this episode:

Stone IPA, Stone Brewing

Two-Hearted Ale, Bells Brewing

Our theme music is by Mike Bode

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: popahalliicspodcast

Twitter: popahallics

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