The Chris Voss Show

The Chris Voss Show

The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Dr. Amy Neuzil, Naturopathic Doctor, MTHFR and Epigenetics Expert

September 29, 2023

Dr. Amy Neuzil, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor, MTHFR and Epigenetics Expert


Amy is a naturopathic doctor who became an MTHFR and epigenetic expert because of her own MTHFR mutation. Addressing this issue gave her such great health gains, she had to share the wealth. MTHFR is a genetic variance in how folate is activated that affects neurotransmitter formation, antioxidant balance, cellular energy, DNA methylation, cell division, reproduction, and personality.

Amy works one-on-one and in group formats with clients to help them optimize the genes they were born with. She is passionate about educating people about the role of gene mutations in health, mental health, and even personality. She also loves to share knowledge about the difference between different forms of folate, the risks and benefits of food fortification with folic acid, and the problems related to MTHFR. These include hormone imbalance, mental health issues, and fertility.