Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

MDE 11: From Surveyor to winning the World’s Leading Green Tour Operator Award 2014, Paul Easto, co-founder of Wilderness Scotland

December 11, 2014


In this episode of Mission Driven Entrepreneurs I speak to Paul Easto who along with his co-founder set up Wilderness Scotland, based in the Cairngorms National Park.

I have to admit I am a massive fan of Wilderness Scotland so I was very excited when Paul agreed to be interviewed. I went on a beginners kayaking holiday with the company a couple of years ago. It was such a memorable trip, majestic views, amazingly clear water, great food and a lot of laughs.

I talk to Paul about his entrepreneurial journey and what it takes to set up a travel company which takes its environmental responsibility very seriously. He talks candidly about the mistakes they have made along the way including a decision to offer adventures outside of Scotland, what he learnt from that experience and how that has shaped their current strategy.

It was a fascinating interview and just two days ago I learnt Wilderness Scotland were awarded the World's Leading Green Tour Operator 2014 in the World Travel Awards - well deserved and fantastic recognition of their work.

In this session you’ll find out about: 

  • The journey to setting up Wilderness Scotland from starting his career as a surveyor.
  • What obstacles he faced and how he overcame them
  • What their business model is and how this has evolved 
  • Why a strategy to expand to offer overseas trips didn't work out as planned and how this has shaped their strategy for the future
  • How his MBA helped him as well as what he learnt on a course he took at MIT Sloan School of Management 

Success Quote

Harry Truman: "It's amazing what you can achieve if you don't care who gets the credit"

Public Enemy: "Don't believe the hype"

Productivity Tip

Be 100% present, whatever you are doing

Best Business Books

Yvon Chouinard - "Let my people go surfing"

Other links

Twitter: @TeamWilderness


Thanks again for listening to the show. If you have any thoughts or comments about this episode, please do leave them below in the comment section of this post – I’d love to hear from you!

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Thanks again to Paul for joining us today on The Mission Driven Entrepreneurs Podcast.

Next time...

I'm talking to Viv Oyolu who had a corporate career before taking a life changing trip to work in New York for a charity which led her to found her own charity and set up 'Dream Corner', a radio show where Viv interviews inspiring women. Viv has had an unusual journey and is clearly driven to make a difference through her work so I am delighted to interview her on the next show. Until next Friday!

The post MDE 11: From Surveyor to winning the World’s Leading Green Tour Operator Award 2014, Paul Easto, co-founder of Wilderness Scotland appeared first on The Career Farm.