Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

MDE 10: Serial entrepreneur with a passion for sustainability, Chris Langwallner, co-founder of NamZ

December 04, 2014


In this episode of Mission Driven Entrepreneurs I speak to Chris Langwallner whose international career in the food industry led him to launch his own business manufacturing flavourings for big food manufacturers such as Frito-Lay. He exited the business and moved with his family from Shanghai to Singapore where he then worked in a senior corporate job again before setting up a new company focussed on sustainably sourced natural flavourings.

I talk to him about his entrepreneurial journey which has taken him from Austria to Singapore, via Bristol in the UK, Moscow, India and China - the ups and downs, what he has learnt, and advice he can pass on to others starting their entrepreneurial journey.  I've known Chris a long time and it was a real pleasure to catch up with him and find out how he's doing. He's incredibly open and honest, and he laughs a lot! It was a fun interview and I think you'll really enjoy it.

In this session you’ll find out about: 

  • How Chris got funding and how his network allowed him to develop his businesses and his career
  • What he thinks is the most important thing to get right in your entrepreneurial venture
  • How he controls his mindset when things get tough
  • Why he turned away from pursuing Private Equity backing for his latest venture
  • How an innovative corporate structure allows him to retain control while attracting new investors
  • How his MBA helped him in his entrepreneurial journey

Success Quote

"Launching a business is essentially an adventure in problem-solving"

Richard Branson

Productivity Tip

Email yourself things to do

Best Business Books

Essential Drucker, by Peter Drucker

Other links


Click below for a full transcript of the interview (PDF):

Transcript of interview with Chris Langwallner


Thanks again for listening to the show. If you have any thoughts or comments about this episode, please do leave them below in the comment section of this post – I’d love to hear from you!

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Thanks again to Chris for joining us today on The Mission Driven Entrepreneurs Podcast.

Next time...

I'm really excited to be talking to Paul Easto who left a career in surveying to found Wilderness Scotland, an environmentally conscious travel company introducing people to outdoor activities in magnificent scenery. Until then, have a great week.

The post MDE 10: Serial entrepreneur with a passion for sustainability, Chris Langwallner, co-founder of NamZ appeared first on The Career Farm.