Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

MDE 9: Shoes with soul, Sven Segal, CoFounder of Po-Zu

November 27, 2014


In this episode of Mission Driven Entrepreneurs I talk to Sven Segal who has made it his mission to manufacture beautiful shoes that are not only comfortable but also limit the impact they have on our planet.

In this session you'll hear Sven's take on:

  • The challenges of competing with huge brands
  • The importance of a unique appearance or concept to support your brand
  • The buying public's attitude to ethically produced products
  • Thinking outside of the box - or should that be just 'thinking of the box' - to come up with truly innovative marketing ideas

Please note: some bits of this interview are a little quiet, so you may want to turn your volume up a notch or two!

Success Quotes:

"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou

"In the future, the most loved brands will be built by the problems they fix, not the novelty they create."

Dan Burgess, Good for Nothing

Business Books:

Authentic Business, by Neil Crofts

The Breakthrough Challenge,  by John Elkington and Jochen Zeitz



Other links:

Po Zu

twitter: @Po_Zu

Download the full transcript of the interview (PDF):

Transcript of interview with Sven Segal

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Thanks again to Sven for joining us today on Mission Driven Entrepreneurs.

Next time....

Next week I will be talking to Christoph Langwallner who had an international career in the food industry which lead to launching his own business manufacturing natural flavourings for big food manufacturers such as Frito-Lay.


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