Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

MDE 8: From Baby Loves Disco to Youth and Social Responsibility advocate, Naomi Timperley

November 20, 2014


In this episode of Mission Driven Entrepreneurs I talk to Naomi Timperley who went from running a company that organised discos in nightclubs for babies and toddlers to becoming a youth and social responsibility advocate, in amongst a whole lot more! She talks to us about her business journey and her social media success.

In this session you’ll find out about: 

  • As a business mentor, the common mistakes she sees entrepreneurs make - and how to avoid them!
  • What she loves about being an entrepreneur (and what she doesn’t)
  • How to launch on a shoe string and get massive publicity
  • How she built her twitter following to over 21,000 followers
  • What she has learnt about forming business partnerships

Success Quote

The best ones are the ones you make up yourself!

Best Business Books

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg 

Other Interview Links


Social Media Boom

Baby Loves Disco


Click below for a full transcript of the interview (PDF):

Transcript of interview with Naomi Timperley

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Thanks again to Naomi for joining us today on The Mission Driven Entrepreneurs Podcast.

Next week I will be talking to a Sven Segal who is on a mission to produce footwear without using the toxic solvents that impact on the health of the people who make them and minimise the impact their products have on the planet.

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