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Grow Your Own Career | The Career Farm

MDE 1: Combining recruitment with purpose, Leon Richards of Good Talent

October 03, 2014


In this episode of Mission Driven Entrepreneurs I talk to Leon Richards who decided to set up a recruitment business Good Talent, ‘finding good people for businesses that work to make the world a better place’. The business is aligned with his values so that he wouldn’t look back and wonder what have I done with my life? He talks candidly about the challenges of setting up his businesses and offers some solid advice for those who are thinking about taking the plunge.

In this session you’ll find out about: 

  • What held him back from making the leap to setting up his own business earlier
  • The key foundations he laid down before he set up his business
  • Key things to think about before setting up a recruitment business
  • Why he likens himself to a cave man!
  • Typical mistakes entrepreneurs make and what to watch out for
  • What his next step in the business is as he goes completely location independant

Success Quote

“Be true to thine own self”, Plato

“I’ve not failed, I’ve just found ten-thousand ways that won’t work”, Thomas Edison

Small Business Technology Resources


Best Business Books

The Origin of Wealth, Eric Beinhocker

The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge

The Radical Industrialist, Ray Anderson

The Method Method, Eric Ryan & Adam Lowry

Other Interview Links

Click here for Leon’s reading list 

Download the full transcript here (PDF):

Full Transcript Leon Richards


Thanks again for listening to the show. If you have any thoughts or comments about this episode, please do leave them below in the comment section of this post – I’d love to hear from you!

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Thanks again to Leon for joining us today on The Mission Driven Entrepreneurs Podcast.

Next time…

I’ll be talking to Kate Andrews, co-founder of loco2, a online company looking to revolutionise train bookings for journeys across Europe. Until then, have a great week.


The post MDE 1: Combining recruitment with purpose, Leon Richards of Good Talent appeared first on The Career Farm.