thebuzzr pod

thebuzzr pod

Pyramids on Mars with Shay & Charlie

November 07, 2022

Hey, y’all. I am Shay. Next Monday thebuzzr is on the air along with Charlie Aiken as co-host with popular guest Kevin Estrella of Pyramids on Mars. This is the last show of Season 2 of thebuzzr podcast. We have great things happening for our next season launching early 2023!! Audio clips of our top 2022 shows will be played during the break.

Every once in a while there comes along a band that is so different or unique, you would think they were dropped on Earth from another planet. Pyramids on Mars is one of those bands. It is the solo project of guitarist Kevin Estrella. He wanted to do something musically different that would stand out from the crowd. And – it stands out!

What first catches you is that they are an instrumental band. A combination of elements such as rock, hard rock, industrial, metal. And then… the lead guitar comes soaring in. Well crafted, beautiful, melodic phrases so catchy and memorable they will be stuck in your head the rest of the day. The guitar has become the “vocals” of the music.

Join us with Kevin. Kevin exposes the extraterrestrial influences that pair with his music visions and the path of developing the amazing COSMIC ANGELS album released in May of this year.

Tracks: ‘The Ambassador” before the show; ‘Dream Division’ during the show. ‘Interstellar’ closes the show.

Thank you for tuning in. Enjoy the show!

