thebuzzr pod

thebuzzr pod

Trent Jean

April 18, 2022

Hey, y’all. I am Shay. This is thebuzzr podcast. On air indie, from my pad to yours over the airways.

Tonight, Australian rock band TRENT JEAN. Frontman TJ joins the podcast. We catch up with the band and spin the latest hot release HIGH3R. Poon Head Studios makes a cameo appearance.

TJ gets upfront & personal about his journey making HIGH3R. Listen it to get an incredible glimpse of the magic behind his music.

This artist reminds me of a young David Bowie - TJ is a trailblazer. His music is from the soul.

This artist is one of the most watched bands of this year. High octane pop-rock with unparalleled energy and vibe.

Enjoy the show!

Thank you for tuning in. Enjoy the show! 10 P.M. EST at

Tracks Played Tonight: HIGH3R


From The Artist

⚡️SHAPESHIFTING their way through the musical realm. The Sky Was The Limit, so they pushed further and soared into the 9th Dimension ⚡️Where they Discovered ‘Larger.Than.Life’ Pop - Drenched in Psych-Rock-Hop ⚡️And brought it back to Planet Earth 4 The Fruitage of Humanity