thebuzzr pod

thebuzzr pod

Iron Age Mystics

May 19, 2021

Hey, y’all, I am Shay. This is thebuzzr after hours show.Welcome. Episode 14.Tonight we highlight Pride Before The Fall  by Toronto band Iron Age Mystics. Released in 2019, Pride Before The Fall is a literary masterpiece by Kevin Connelly.Kevin Connelly and Sasha Tukatsch join us. Kevin performed lead and background vocals, keyboards and spoken word. Sascha performed percussion, drums and sound engineering.Pride Before The Fall is revolutionary with on-point messages of empowerment. The album is intoxicating to those of us who seek truth and positive change in society.All songs written by Iron Age Mystics. All lyrics written by Kevin Connelly."There are bands that bring an artistic creative element to their lyrics, and Iron Age Mystics are not only artistically creative with their lyrics, but compose some of the most inspiring revolutionary and politically themed lyrics since Rage Against The Machine."  Metal Nexus(We taped this audio program in two sessions over the internet in an online studio. Now and then, there are audio glitches. They do not affect the quality of the broadcast. The content shared is compelling, and we shared the taping in its entirety.)tracks - "Thought Police" 12:11/"You Got The Power" 33:59/"What Ya Gonna Do About It" 40:17/"Big, Bad Motherfucker" 50:07Closing tonight, a fitting quote from Bob Marley.“My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die.”And that brings us to the end. Thank you for tuning in. A huge thank you to Kevin and Sascha for coming onto tonight’s show.When the show goes silent, take a minute to reflect. The messages told through music tonight are powerful.Remember, without music our canvas is blank.Night all!Cheers!
Lyricist & Songwriter's Perspective: Kevin Connelly
In this human-centric world, natural law is almost completely absent. To no surprise, the most of what you see, eat, hear, read and breathe—and many of the idols you hold so dear—are violently corrupt. Make no mistake, this is by design. So in retrospect, why would I, as the author of this album, elect to spend years of my creative energies and large sums of money I really didn’t have working paycheck to paycheck to produce this little gem, knowing full well that it had little to no chance of commercial success?​Simple, really: I was so gripped by the pain-ridden part of my humanity, I had such a constant knowing that ‘evil’ was winning, that I could not subvert it anymore. Many of my traditional heroes died in my heart throughout that process. Then, I felt very alone. Possibly like you.​For my part I intended this album to inspire those who can see through the artifice of gross, inhuman bigotry, whilst taking the piss out of a few false idols of our culture. Principally, challenging our blind adherence to self-proclaimed authority in its many forms. A little boost of adrenaline for the ‘eyes wide open’ people who are waking up to the fight. Source & Continue Reading VOCALS Kevin Connelly. GUITARS Allan Wohng (Tracks 1, 3-10), Chuck Brown (Tracks 2, 7, 11). BASS Clayton Rudy. DRUMS Greg Mount (Tracks 1, 3-6, 8-10), Alexander Tukatsch (Tracks 2, 7, 11). PERCUSSION Alexander Tukatsch (Track 4). KEYBOARDS Kevin Saulnier (Track 11), Kevin Connelly (Track 10), Greg Mount (Track 6), Clayton Rudy (Track 5). BG VOCALS Kevin Connelly, Tanya Godinho (Track 11), Allan Wohng (Tracks 2, 9).SPOKEN VOICE OVERDUBSSenator Bernie Sanders *Special permission granted (Track 9). Shawn Devlin as"The News Anchor" (Track 9). Vincent de Tourdonnet as "The French Revolutionary," quoting Stephane Hessel (Track 5). Kevin Connelly as himself quoting Sharon English (Track 2) Kevin Connelly as "Pulpit Man" quoting Henry David Thoreau (Track 7).MIX Bill Bell / Bill Bell MusicMASTERING Phil Demetro at The Lacquer ChannelRECORDING Verge Music Lab, Toronto (Tracks 1, 3-6, 8-10). BAHM Studios, Toronto (Tracks 2,7,11).ENGINEERING Dan Meery (Tracks 1, 3-6,