The Business Success Factory | Entrepreneur & Business Success Interviews by Nicola Cairncross

The Business Success Factory | Entrepreneur & Business Success Interviews by Nicola Cairncross

TBSF 008 | Dave Repchuk | Business Systems Specialist

February 27, 2014

Dave Repchuk spills the beans on what it’s like to come from a corporate software background to run Tracy Repchuk’s information publishing empire, while Tracy goes off globally writing, speaking & mentoring their students.

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About Dave Repchuk

David Repchuk came from a corporate background working as a senior product development manager for a fortune 500 company managing a group of 50 staff responsible for developing on one of North America’s largest PC based accounting systems.

He joined InnerSurf International in 1992 where he assists in providing customer care, client relations and managing of day to day operations for Tracy Repchuk’s clients which focuses on fully branded end to end website presence in under 60 days so you can attract your ideal client, catapult your sales and reach millions with your message.

Tracy has become a world-wide brand as an international best-selling author, and international speaker and is one of the top women speakers for online strategies and marketing.

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