Get More Clients Podcast with Jason Lew

Get More Clients Podcast with Jason Lew

EP 55 | Cultivating an Extraordinary Mindset with Craig Siegel

February 25, 2021

Craig Siegel is a Mindset Coach, Performance Enhancer, Speaker and Entrepreneur. Craig started his career on Wall Street and built two businesses from the ground. His journey was filled with unbelievable triumphs as well as times of uncertainty and unfulfillment. Ultimately, it all brought him to what he’s doing now, which is elevating lives across the globe. The Pandemic provided Craig the first opportunity in over a decade to take a moment to reassess and redesign his destiny. Craig always had an unparalleled, effective ability to communicate with people to make them want to fulfill their potential. To make them want to overachieve. To know that the ending of their story has not been written yet. So when the pandemic happened, Craig went all in with his passion and purpose to help people. He combined that with his Entrepreneurial spirit and he began what the world would now know as Cultivate Lasting Symphony, and the rest as they say, is history. Cultivate Lasting Symphony (CLS) is a play on Craig’s initials. But what it means is to acquire that edge in life. To be able to revamp your mindset and expand your map of the world. To be able to adjust your entire perspective. To see abundance and opportunity where you once saw limitation. That’s what Cultivate Lasting Symphony is about and Craig is proud to say it’s been his life’s work using the world as his oyster and gathering inspiration from all facets of life. Craig offers a Moonshot Masterpiece and Moonshot Mastermind Experience for clients and recently launched his podcast, The CLS Experience. Buckle up for the Experience of a lifetime. For more information on Craig, checkout