The Brian Mendler Show

The Brian Mendler Show

Beyond the Behavior, ep.3

June 04, 2021

In episode 3 of “Beyond the Behavior,” Brian & Ms. Chyna go over power statements and “power questions” that will help set you up for success. Together, they share strategies and ideas that will help you effectively communicate with students, parents, and administration regardless of the situation (escalated parents/students, students with anxiety, parents that want to feel heard, etc.).
One of the most important take-aways for teachers and/or parents from this episode, is to take time to listen. Brian Mendler discusses the acronym L.A.A.D, in which he reminds us to Listen, Agree, Acknowledge, and Defer. Ms. Chyna and Brian talk about the importance of being upfront and “real” with students – diving into conversations that they have with students about state testing and other challenges students might encounter.
This episode is not only jam packed with various strategies & teacher tips to help you communicate effectively as a teacher, but it will also provide you with new language ideas that you can start using right away. As always, we’re rooting for you! Keep doing what’s right for kids. You’ve got this!!