theblerdgurl Podcast with Karama Horne

Latest Episodes
How Lucas Film partnered with Black anime studio in Japan for Star Wars series
Black animte studio D'ART Shtajio and Lucasfilm talk Star Wwars Visions II with thebelrdgurl
How Stephanie Williams conquered the comic book game
Comic book writer Stephanie Williams tells us her secret to balancing life with a full time comic book career.
Sasheer Zamata on Witches, Wokeness and Women
theblerdgurl spoke with actress and comedian Sasheer Zamata before the strike about her new stand-up special
The Situational Therapist: Gaming Through a Mental Health Lens
Family therapist Derrick Hoard stops by to discuss mental health and gaming.
From the Boondocks to Blacula Rodney Barnes shows us how it's done
Horror author Rodney Barnes returns to theblerdgurl podcast just in time for HAalloween!
The Changeling Chronicles: Victor LaValle on Adapting his hit horror novel to the screen
Author Victor LaValle breaks down the adaptation process for "The Changeling" on theblerdgurl podcast
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
Karama talks to director screenwriter Bomani J. Story about his film "The Angry Black Girl and her Monster"
AI vs IP: Lawyer Wynton Yates weighs in
Entertainment Lawyer chat's with Karama on the ethical and legal implications of A.I. in the media
Black film history lessons with Len Webb and Vincent Williams
Podcasters Len Webb and Vincent Williams are chronicle every black film ever made in The Micheaux Mission and The Class of 1989
The Healing Journey of Jacque Aye
Interview with author Jacque Aye about her YA fiction novel, "How to Be an Adult." Topics include self-care, community care, and cultural expectations on Black women