The Bible and Me

The Bible and Me

Andy Hawthorne – Full of Faith and Expectancy – Episode 1

April 27, 2020

‘The Bible and Me’ Podcast S06 E01: Andy Hawthorne – Full of faith and expectancy

In this episode of ‘The Bible and Me’ podcast, Nigel Watts sits down with Andy Hawthorne, founder of the Message Trust, a Christian mission organisation based in Manchester, working for over 25 years particularly with young people. From a rebellious teenager Andy found a great revival in his faith from his brother’s testimony.
From one man to 130 staff and hubs over the UK, in 7 key areas of deprivation, Andy speaks on his work with the Message Trust. Discussing the steps on how the organisation achieves what they do Andy discusses how they study the Word every day.  They have a message academy. They are working through Luke and James whilst similarly encouraging everyone to have a Bible reading plan. Listen now!
