The Beginner's Guide to Human Design

The Beginner's Guide to Human Design

Ep. 102: My Human Design Story

August 28, 2024

Today I'm sharing my personal story of Human Design. If you knew me before I found HD, you've seen how much I've changed. My career, body, and outlook on life has gone through a total transformation... all because of HD!

In this episode you'll learn:

  • How I found Human Design
  • Why I became hooked and obsessed
  • How my life immdedietly changed from HD
  • How I decided to sign up for a HD reader training
  • How I got started as a HD reader
  • How my life has changed long term since embodying HD
  • Stories about my successes and failures in personal growth and developement

Follow Madeline's on Instagram @healthy_madeline

Book a reading with Madeline here

Visit Madeline's website here