The Bayesian Conspiracy

The Bayesian Conspiracy

Latest Episodes

176 – Circling with Aella
November 30, 2022

Aella comes on the show to tell us what the heck Circling is and why we should do it. 0:01:21 How Many Rationalists Are There? 0:04:40 Circling 1:09:42 LW Posts 1:41:35 Thank the Patron! Aellas Blog

175 – FTX + EA, and Personal Finance
November 16, 2022

David from The Mind Killer joins us. We got to talking about the FTX collapse and some of the waves it sent through the Effective Altruism community. Afterwards David helps us out with personal financ

BREAKING – FTX collapse & EA shockwaves
November 13, 2022

While recording the next episode we got to talking about the FTX collapse and some of the waves it sent through the Effective Altruism community. We decided to break it out into a separate segment so

174 – Jon Stewart, The Consensus Emancipator
November 02, 2022

Wes and David from The Mind Killer show up for a special cross-over episode. We discuss How Stewart Made Tucker Listen to The Mind Killer Hey look, we have adiscord! What could possibly go wrong? A

173 – Oh Lawd, Strong AI is Comin’
October 19, 2022

Matt Freeman returns to discuss General Artificial Intelligence timelines, and why they are short. Our primary text is: Why I think strong general AI is coming soon Other links: Lets think step by s

172 – Virtue Ethics
October 05, 2022

Kerry discusses virtue ethics with us, and how one is to live. After Virtue, by Alasdair MacIntyre Pareto efficiency at Wikipedia, slightly less dense Pareto Improvement at Investopedia Our 23rd episo

171 – All About AGP
September 21, 2022

Tailcalled gives us the down low on a variation of the popularly discussed (if not that widely liked) transgender typology autogynephilia (or AGP). Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, Jace

170 – By George, The Rent Is Too Damn High!
September 07, 2022

Eneasz drops a primer on Georgist Land Value Taxes. All increases in productivity will be capture by rising rents for as long as mankind exists, unless we find a way to prevent landlords from capturin

169 – S&E BS re AGI
August 24, 2022

Steven and Eneasz discuss the latest timeline shifts regarding the advent of superhuman general intelligence. Then in the LW posts we got greatly sidetracked by politics (stupid mind-killer!). Links:

168 – Unions Are Governments
August 10, 2022

We speak with Levi/Ferb, learning about labor law in the USA. Turns out its not what we thought. Links: What would a general strike look like today? Biden intervenes in railroad contract to block str