The Bayesian Conspiracy

The Bayesian Conspiracy

Latest Episodes

101 – The Live Episode (pt2)
January 01, 2020

This is a recording of the live stream. Due to technical incompetence on our side, we lost the original audio, but managed to recover the episode due to listener April’s diligence! Many thanks to April! Since it’s a 2nd-source recording … Continue read...

100 – The Live Episode (pt1)
December 18, 2019

This is a recording of the live stream. Due to technical incompetence on our side, we lost the original audio, but managed to recover the episode due to listener April’s diligence! Many thanks to April! Since it’s a 2nd-source recording … Continue read...

Live Episode on Sunday Dec 15, 1pm MT (GMT -6)
December 12, 2019

The Live Episode is Sunday Dec 15 at 1pm Mountain time. You can listen in on Discord following this link: This post will update with a YouTube stream as well, once we have that ready.

99 – Whiteshift
December 04, 2019

Eneasz shares his reading of Whiteshift by Eric Kaufmann News story about the CFAR barricading Ted Cruz bad lip reading Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong? Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast… and the … Continue reading →

98 – A GSV Very Different From Ours
November 20, 2019

We are joined by Discord user GSV to talk about Legal Systems Very Different From Ours The Podcast Very Different From Ours is available at SoundCloud, as well as GooglePodcasts. iTunes link coming soon. Scott Alexander’s fiction discussed: Samsara,

97 – Oops, We Accidentally Over Two Hours of Feedback
November 06, 2019

We get to back-logged feedback. We Want MoR is now live, back at the old home of the HP:MoR Podcast! Ra, by Sam Hughes (also on Amazon) Helpful links provided by commentor  Lorien: references on air pollution (quick and dirty … Continue reading →

96 – Do Words Mean Things, Also Sex Science!
October 23, 2019

The Conspirators sort of continue the conversation from our last episode, after meandering around about the meaning of words/their relevance to current usage. Eventually we’ll get to the LessWrong sequence on the Human Use of Words and this confusion w...

95 – It’s Gender Time! Part 1
October 10, 2019

Trigger warnings: Gender! Culture Wars! Opinons! Facts? (Also, some amount of tension/discomfort in this episode. Be ye warned.) Please contribute to this discussion! Please keep it non-terrible. Articles that sparked the discussion: The Disappearing T...

94 – The Problem At Yale Isn’t Free Speech, It’s Lack of Batmans
September 25, 2019

Elite education institutions aren’t give us Bruce Waynes anymore, and this is a problem. Our article: The Real Problem At Yale Is Not Free Speech Also relevant: The Wayne Republican Tradition, and Against Against Billionaire Philanthropy   Hey look,

93 – Conflict vs Mistake
September 11, 2019

In this episode, we try to explain the Slate Star Codex post, Conflict vs Mistake. We hope we didn’t make any major mistakes, and if we did, that it won’t cause any kind of conflict. Links: – SSC: Conflict vs … Continue reading →