The Bayesian Conspiracy

The Bayesian Conspiracy

148 – Decisions, Decisions

October 20, 2021

Matt Freeman returns to talk about Decision Theory, and the discusion ranges far afield.
Matt is from The Guild of the Rose, which we had a recent episode about. You can see his Decision Theory Course videos here.
Scott Alexander on All Debates Are Bravery Debates
Our previous Newcomb episode
Our previous Torture vs Dust Specks episode
The Kindness to Kin story


Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

Protein Reinforcement and DNA Consequentialism
Thou Art Godshatter  (in Audio as well)
Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:
Terminal Values and Instrumental Values
Evolving to Extinction

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