The Bayesian Conspiracy

The Bayesian Conspiracy

147 – Newcomblike Problems Are The Norm

October 06, 2021

How Newcomb’s problem applies to real-life. We discuss Newcomblike problems are the norm (LW crosspost).
Also mentioned:
Replacing Guilt Audiobook!
Our episode on Replacing Guilt
Our episode on Talking To Strangers part 1, and part 2

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?
Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

Adaptation-Executers, not Fitness-Maximizers
Evolutionary Psychology
Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:
Protein Reinforcement and DNA Consequentialism
Thou Art Godshatter