The Attentionist w/ Geoffrey Little

The Attentionist w/ Geoffrey Little

A.I. Open Mic @ Kasukabe’s

November 05, 2021

If you go far enough down Nolensville Road in Nashville, you’ll see Kasukabe’s, a hole in the wall club open a few nights a week and now Mondays. You might remember the spot as a sushi restaurant in the early 2000s — long before the boom in “comic talent” began pulsating from every corner of the earth and every human… And now non-human.

Kabe’s Monday night Open Mic was once decent — but now has totally been given over to machine-humorists and if you get in at all, it will be on a waiting list (*don’t* sign up, they will screw you over).

Ietta X (a local robot I *did* once do comedy writing with) is now the weekly host. Nothing against her. Maybe you think that’s cool. Well, avoid the place if you care about real comedy.

Here is leaked audio I obtained from someone who worked there as assistant manager. He was terminated recently after he got setup for stealing (which he totally didn’t do). This goes out to him. You’ll be back on your feet soon, bud. Hang in there.