Theatre Geeks

Theatre Geeks

Latest Episodes

Episode 158
December 12, 2023

Happy New Year!  As we gear up for some new episodes in 2017, Dave is clearing out some of our backlog of episodes that have been left unedited and saved "for a rainy day."  So here's another one of these, on the pros and cons of adjudicators.

Marcia Reminisces
January 22, 2023

Marcias final episode from March 2019, in which she talks about her years in theatre and the newspaper business. Marcia passed away a few weeks after this was recorded.

159 Marcia Reminisces
March 08, 2019

In our first new episode in sometime, we get the three of us together along with actress and Theatre Geek Marcia Fulmer's daughter Deirdre Lovejoy to talk about Marcia's years in and around the theatre, newspapers and our shared experiences in communit...

157: What do you do about those “problem” patrons?
December 28, 2017

Patrons who make noise, patrons who unwrap loud candy and even patrons who stink.  What to do?? 

Episode 156 — Playwright Elaine Liner
September 11, 2017

This episode, Texas playwright Elaine Liner joins us to talk about her latest work, Finishing School, which gets its world premiere September 8 at the Geeks home theatre, Elkhart Civic Theatre at the Bristol Opera House. -

155 – Speak up and don’t talk with your mouth full! Enunciation and diction on stage.
May 06, 2017

The Geeks return to the issue of enunciation and diction in community theatre productions, how to deal with actors that just don't get it, and why it's so important. - Music provided by Music Alley.

154 – Interview with a college intern for a community theatre
April 30, 2017

In this episode, the Geeks chat with Bronson Bontrager, Elkhart Civic Theatre's college intern for the spring 2017 semester.  We discuss the benefits of internships, for both the theatre and the student. -  

153 Return episode: Old or New? What sells best?
April 22, 2017

We are  finally back on the pod.  After a lengthy absence John, Dave and Marcia are recording episodes again.  More will be coming your way, as there are several in the can and we have plans for more in the near future. -

152 Audition: Great, Performance:Not so much
February 28, 2016

What do you do when you give a new actor a chance, based on a good or even great audition, but they never seem to rise to the same level in performance?  The Geeks discuss. -   - Music provided by Music Alley.

151 Deirdre Lovejoy, Ang Lee and cell phones in theatres
August 10, 2015

Deirdre (Dede) Lovejoy joins the Geeks to talk about the recent Patti Lupone cell-phone snatch, working with Ang Lee in the upcoming "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk," plus her own autobiographical play, "Bird Elephant China.