The Theatre of U

The Theatre of U

TOU 83: Spotlight on Amy Climer - Creative Change

April 02, 2018

Today's guest Amy Climer hails from the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina, she has been helping individuals and teams reach their creative capacity utilising experiential leadership and change programs since 1995.  She has designed the Climer Cards, a tool used to evoke metaphors and generate ideas and is the host of The Deliberate Creative, a podcast designed to help other lead innovation teams.

Today Amy drew #20, 21, 10, 40 and 50 from the Cards of Cards for Uniqueness, Against the Ordinary.  To learn more about Amy visit:

If you want more info about the podcast, our work or are interested in being featured as a guest then email my team at and let them know you'd like your turn in the spotlight.

Thanks for tuning in, until next time remember all you have to do is #startwithU