The Art of Management

Latest Episodes
Why the AI Bots Think You Should Read UNMANAGED
This episode is guest-hosted by two NotebookLM AI Chatbots. We fed them a few simple instructions, and then the first 30-plus pages of the book. Let us know if you like this and well ask them to prod
While the Cat’s away: What happens when the managers leave
What would happen if we send all of the managers away for a dayor more? This is one of the many counter-intuitive yet enlightening topics that are part of AgencyAgiles leadership workshops, and also
The Making of Unmanaged, the Book.
You know less about managing than you think.These misperceptions and fallacies includetheidea that managing creates productivity, that managers can solve everything, that more managing equals bette
I Hate Your Stupid Meeting
Many meetings are like unpleasant dinner guests who have come uninvited. They intrude on your productive time, drone on with unnecessary conversation, and you cant wait for them to leave. Does that m
Your Meeting Sucks
Do your Meetings Suck? The answer is a pretty-much unqualified yes.Does it need to be that way?Of course not, but it is not easy.Meetings were horrible prior to 2020, and though we are in a di
King Kong, please sit down and wait your turn
Can you be a better manager by stepping back and letting teams manage themselves? As strange as this may sound, the answer is yes. Often managers stop all over the landscape like monsters in a 1950s
The manager of the future is chill
Can a manager manage better by stepping back and letting teams manage themselves? As strange as this may sound, the answer is yes. Small teams work better when there is less management over them, and
The Art of the Lazy Manager
Lazy gets a bad rap. Managing and managers can be costly to your organization’s productivity (listen to episode 2.1, The Natural Tax of Managing) and in fact less managing can be better! Can you be
6 and 8, The Dark Side of Estimates
Peter Drucker is famous for pointing out how much better managers could manage if they only used numbers. His message: “…if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Managing is the business of num
Theory X and Theory Y Management
In the 1950s, a distinction was made between the underlying beliefs about workers Theory X and Theory Y. Depending on which you believe, it would influence your behavior as a manager, causing you t