The Art of Charm

The Art of Charm

527: Nick Unsworth | Life on Fire

July 05, 2016

Nick Unsworth (@NickUnsworth) of Life on Fire is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs get more time back and make more money -- by teaching them lessons from the heartbreaking mistakes he's already made. The Cheat Sheet: Chasing easy dollars is usually a way to end up with no dollars. Trying to outwork a problem isn't always the best way to solve it. If someone highly recommended does a job so poorly that it's instrumental in sinking your business, maybe your new business should be founded on doing their job better. Everyone starts at zero -- but you can still maintain your integrity when starting a new venture as long as you're transparent about what you can do for your clients as you build experience. Why do so many ambitious people achieve their dreams only to find themselves unfulfilled by the time they make it to their idealized destination? And so much more... Show notes at HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dig the show, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from the crowd and help people find the credible advice they need. Review the show in iTunes! We rely on it! Stay Charming!