Latest Episodes

COP28: Talk Green, Play Dirty – Patrick Bond
December 29, 2023

Patrick Bond, political economist, Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, and Director of the Centre for Social Change, expands on the first Global Stocktake produced at COP28. He criticizes the document's weak language of "transitionin

Brutal Occupation Underpins Class Inequality for Israelis and Palestinians – MK Ofer Cassif
December 22, 2023

Israeli Member of Knesset Dr. Ofer Cassif is a member of the Hadash Party, which supports Jewish-Arab cooperation and workers' rights. MK Cassif highlights how the occupation generates class inequalities and a regime of elite oppressors vs. the oppressed,

COP28: Hypocrisy and Climate Appeasement – Bruce Robertson
December 18, 2023

Bruce Robertson, independent energy analyst, exposes the hypocrisies and lobbying taking place at COP28 and how talk of investing in a green transition is belied by increasing fossil fuel subsidies worldwide. He explains how the industry employs terms suc

Venture Capital Fuels U.S. Military Support for Israel, Egypt, and Saudis – Shana Marshall
December 08, 2023

Dr. Shana Marshall is the Associate Director of the Institute for Middle East Studies at George Washington University in D.C. She highlights a crucial element of financing the military and defense technology sector by venture capitalist and private equity

Systemic Corruption at Home and Abroad – Sarah Chayes
December 05, 2023

Author of the book "On Corruption in America: And What is at Stake" and former NPR correspondent Sarah Chayes discusses embedded corruption networks in Afghanistan, particularly under U.S. and allied occupation, and other countries plagued by endemic corr

Why Did Argentines Elect a Right-Wing Non-Establishment Extremist?
November 27, 2023

Argentina elected Javier Milei, a right-wing libertarian populist, as its president on November 19th. Milei won because he represented a clear alternative to Argentina's untenable economic crisis, says political scientist Atilio Born. While he will no do

Colleague of Imprisoned Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian Anti-War Opposition – Anna Ochkina
November 27, 2023

Anna Ochkina is a Russian sociologist and colleague of Marxist sociologist and dissident Boris Kagarlitsky, who has been held in prison by Russian authorities since July 25. She says the authorities don't actually believe he is a terrorist threat, but it

Growing Up Privileged in Apartheid, Colonial Israel – Shir Hever on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/4)
November 23, 2023

This interview was originally published on July 9, 2014. Mr. Hever says he became politically active after the Second Intifada was repressed with extreme violence by the Israeli military and police.

Israel, World Capital of Homeland Security Industries – Shir Hever on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 3/4)
November 23, 2023

This interview was originally published on July 11, 2014. Mr. Hever says Israel sells weapons and equipment of repression to countries with extreme inequality.

Fear and Loathing in Israel – Shir Hever on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/4)
November 23, 2023

This interview was originally published on July 10, 2014. Mr. Hever says in colonial conditions the master fears and hates the servants who might rise up and demand their rights.