Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #53 – Flying Crap Storm

November 17, 2012

Will a movie called U.F.O. starring Pierce Brosnan's son be any good?  Is the earth too boring for alien invasion? And, we talk about the Cylons!


* The first trailer for an alien invasion film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme's daughter is released. (

* A UK astronomer makes predictions for manned space exploration. (

* Does the UK have advanced alien technology? (

* This week's pick, Alien Star Swarm ( by Robert Sheckley.

* We talk about the Cylons ( from the Battlestar Galactica.

* And, our picks; the movies The Atomic Submarine ( and Invisible Invaders ( plus the new web series Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (

For more information go to  (

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