Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #52 – Right Off The Rails

October 28, 2012

Did an Antarctic expedition in 1946 get attacked by aliens?  What was that in the skies of Eastern Kentucky? And, our first music video pick!


* A recently translated Russian documentary claims a U.S. Antarctic expedition in the 40's was attacked by aliens. (

* A rash of UFO sightings in Eastern Kentucky. ( (

* The Mutual UFO Network releases series of eyewitness reports. (
* This week's pick, In Conquest Born ( by C.S. Friedman.

* We talk about the Vargr ( from the Traveller RPG.

* And, our picks; the Superman/Batman Apocalypse ( animated movie, the Star Trek: Enterprise episode The Crossing ( and the music video ( for Rock It For Me ( by the French group Caravan Palace.

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